Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pinterest First: Jello Cookies

Like so many others, I am guilty of being a Pin-aholic.  I go to Pinterest (caution: click on this link at your own is addicting and very time-consuming!!!) on a regular basis and find new ways to decorate our home, or new projects for Julian and I to make, or new fashion trends, or...the list goes on and on.  And often times (ok sometimes, ok rarely) I actually make an attempt to recreate something I saw on Pinterest.

One thing I have never done is attempt a Pinterest recipe.  To be honest, I did not pin recipes until recently, because I know my own limits and I am not a good cook to begin with, much less capable of creating the elaborate meals I see pinned sometimes.  But, as my cooking skills/time are increasing, I thought I would give it a whirl.

Don't ask me why I choose Jello cookies to be my first recipe attempt.  They were just so colorful and summery and fun that I couldn't resist.  The Malnars came over for an impromptu BBQ at our house and while Julian was manning the grill, Meredith and I set out to make these treats.

I picked out some colorful jello flavors that sounded tasty too.

I made the dough according to the recipe, and kept my iPad on hand to read the recipe carefully.

Meanwhile, these two enjoyed a Bubble Guppies episode (or two).

Meredith and I kneaded the dough with the Jello and added food coloring to make the colors pop.

Gotta love those UTEP colors!

And here is the finished product still cooling.

My professional completely novice non-Betty-Crocker critique of these cookies: they were a little bit too crumbly, but they were unique, tasty, colorful treats that were perfect for summer.  We enjoyed some at after dinner and I took the rest to work.

My next idea is to have a Pinterest-inspired party at my house where everyone attempts a recipe/craft/project they pinned and have not tried.  Anyone interested? :)