Friday, July 13, 2012


Another first for the Acostas happened in Aruba...Para-sailing!  Julian's mom stayed back with Jillian and they played in the sand, while Julian, Jose, Andrea, and I went para-sailing.

This was the point where I told Julian to stop holding on to the straps and just let go!!!

It was awesome to experience this in Aruba, because the water was beautiful and being that high up in the air gave us the opportunity to see the beautiful ocean around Aruba and all the gorgeous coastline.

A little higher

The only downside to para-sailing was sitting in the rocking boat...that definitely made us a little seasick and it seriously took over an hour to recover. 

At our highest point

We had a conversation while we were hanging 500 feet in the air about who on earth invented para-sailing?! Sure, let's strap on a parachute, tie it to a boat, and just see what happens...

See, we had a good time!

Julian's sister was stoked to get to go para-sailing.  I was worried that his dad might not be so stoked...but then I remembered that he had been in helicopters and jumped out of planes before, so I am sure that this was a cake walk compared to his previous adventures.

Andrea and Jose's turn

In the end, it was all worth it and something that I am happy to cross off our bucket list!

Enjoying the view

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