Tuesday, July 23, 2013

37 Weeks!

How far along: 37 weeks, 2 days

I look/feel: well, it finally hit y'all.  After a super easy pregnancy, I would say it started to get a little rocky around week 35.  It really isn't anything terrible, just a little bump here and there.  But I will take a pregnancy that is 90% easy any day, because it makes the 10% not so bad.  And he is almost here so there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
We have decided to induce, meaning that Alex has an eviction notice of Monday, August 5th!  I am a little bit relieved that we have this end date in mind as it gives us something to work towards.  So in 13 days (or less) we will get to see our son's little face!!!

Bubby is: not really digging his cramped space.  We can see his little elbows and heels poking out all the time as he adjusts to his itty-bitty living space.  But soon enough, he will have all the space in the world and I have a feeling he'll long for his tight quarters inside mommy!

Julian is: feeling the pressure of getting everything done in time for Bubs' arrival.  He spends every moment (when he's not at work) working on stuff around the house, and on Sunday, he finally just needed a break!  I am so glad he took a much needed rest because I don't think things will get much easier once Alex is here!
Julian also mentioned to me the other day that he is super excited to meet our son, but that he really can't wait to see how Jillian reacts to meeting her baby brother!  I am sure it will be just precious and a moment that we will remember forever!

Jillian is: starting to count down to her brothers arrival.  I update her once a week to tell her how many weeks till he gets here, so now I ask her "how long till Bubby comes?" and she will say "2 weeks!!!"

I am craving: Most out-of-the-blue one this week was pancakes for dinner.  Now, I know a lot of people that eat breakfast for dinner, but I think it was more random for me because I started to crave pancakes after working on laundry.  One of Jillian's pajamas from the weekend still smelled like maple syrup and I could not get the taste of pancakes out of my mind after that.  So I did what any sensible person would do and whipped up a batch!   Needless to say, my 2-year-old loved getting to eat pancakes on a random Monday night!

Crazy pregnancy moment of the week: The crazy, vivid dreams are back!  They are so random, and all over the place, and I am dreaming about everything under the sun, with people that I feel like I haven't even thought about in years.  Some of them feel so real that I wake up and think, "did that really happen?!"  Probably my favorite one recently included a concert featuring Adam Levine Maroon 5!!!

On the To-Do List: LOTS of STUFF!  It seems like we check 1 thing off the list and 5 more things add on!  We have purchased almost everything we need for his nursery, now we just need to finish putting it together.  I cannot wait to see his final nursery come together because I am sure we will love it and it will be the perfect space to welcome our little boy into the world!

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