Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our Son has a Name!

Finally, a decision has been made!  Julian and I are pleased to announce the name of our son,

Julián Alejandro Acosta!

For most of our friends and family, it is no surprise that we are sticking with our "JAA" initial scheme.  Julian, Jillian, and I all have JAA initials, so our baby boy will fit right in with this!  Truth be told, this is the name we toyed around with before we knew Jillian was a girl.  But it was put on the shelf for if/when we were to have a boy.

OK, here is a little about the meaning of his name and where it came from...

Julian - means youthful, and obviously since it is Bubby's Daddy's name, it seems like a natural fit.  It is such a beautiful name in both English and Spanish.  I am so grateful to Julian's parents for naming their son this 20-some-odd years ago because it is absolutely perfect!  It fits Julian's personality perfectly and I hope that our son grows up to be just like his daddy! May he always keep a youthful energy and contagious spirit!

Alejandro - means protector or defender of mankind, and it is such a pretty sounding name in English or in Spanish. And we LOVE the nickname "Alex!"  It's a name that has grown in our hearts as a name we choose for our first-born son.  May he grow up to be a great protector of his sister, our entire family, and the Acosta name.  May he grow up to be a strong man who will stand up for what he believes in!

Believe it or not, it was actually Julian who could not decide for sure.  We have known for a month now that we are having a boy, and shortly after we found out, Julian said, "I am not committed to that name, let's try to think of something else."  So I started going through baby books and baby websites.  Here is the response I got...

Amber: What do you think about the name _________?
Julian: No, I don't like that.
Amber: OK, what about _____________?
Julian: Ummmm, no!
Amber: Alright, ___________ is a good name.
Julian: No, it's not as good as what we had.
Amber: _____________.
Julian: Nope.  You know...
Amber: What about _____________?
Julian: Yeah, the more and more I think about it, nothing is as good as what we already came up with...
Amber: Are you sure you don't want to consider ______________?
Julian: Nope, let's go with Julian Alejandro.  Nothing is as good as that!

For the few people who have heard us say his name, they have already come up with nicknames, like "Julian-cito" (meaning little Julian) and "J.J." for Julian, Jr.  Technically, he will not be a "Jr." because Julian's middle name in Andre.  Although his first name is beautiful, I think we will call him Alex (and he will have to go through life explaining how he goes by his middle name, just like me).  But Julian has already said that he thinks he will call Alex "Bubby" for a long time since that is what we have been calling him for awhile now.  As for Jillian, she calls him Baby Brother still...and to be honest, occasionally still calls him Baby Sister too! Only time will tell which of these nicknames will stick!

So there you have just a few short months, we will introduce our son, Julian Alejandro Acosta, to the world!  I can feel him baby kicking with excitement inside of me...I think he LOVES his name already!

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