Monday, April 1, 2013

20/21 weeks!

How far along: 20 weeks, 5 days (top), 21 weeks (bottom)

I look/feel: great and happy to be half way through the pregnancy!  The sneezy feeling has subsided a lot this week, thank goodness.  And combine that with the amazing time I had while my family is in town and I am happy as can be.  I really enjoyed time with them and that they were able to at our gender reveal!  But I am the most pumped about all the yummy food my mom made for me while they were here!!!

The baby is: moving a lot!  I feel him move all day long and though it is subtle, I love zoning out from whatever I am doing at the moment to enjoy these tiny baby kicks inside me!  And the best part is, Julian was able to feel it the other day too!!!

Also, Bubby is supposed to be 10.5 ounces and the length of a banana.  Considering they told us Bubby is 12 ounces at the ultrasound, I'd say he is bigger than that!  Lord help me!  Jillian was 9 pounds, 6 ounces, and I just know he is going to be bigger!!!

Julian has: been pinning like a mad man.  He'd be a little mad if he knew I just publicly outted him for joining Pinterest (sorry babe!), but he has been obsessing over what Bubby's nursery will look like.  And he is already recruiting friends to help while Jillian and I are out of town in a few months (so be ready, guy friends, because Julian will be calling in all those favors)!

Jillian is: talking so much about her baby brother!  She brings him up often (without any prompting) and she calls him a boy baby, and says "him" or "he."  Except she still also says baby sister...oooooppps!  Hope she figures that one out before he gets here!

I am craving: more of my mom's food...

Crazy pregnancy moment of the week: I don't think it will get any crazier than the feeling of finding out we were having a baby boy!  We had such a good time at our party, and for as long as I live, I will never forget the look on Julian's face when he saw the blue balloons!  I will forever remember the tears in his eyes from the pure joy of knowing that he will have a son!

Gender: BOY!!!!!  Cannot wait to add all those boy things to our home!

The first gifts for our Baby Boy!!!  From Granny

On the to do list: Figure out which of Julian's nursery plans to go with as we decorate Bubby's nursery.  And we cannot forget to redecorate the little princess's room too!!!

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