Friday, March 22, 2013

18/19 weeks!

How far along: 19 weeks, 4 days

I look/feel: I am popping out a lot these days.  During week 18, while I was in St. Louis, all my ACUI friends started rubbing my baby bump.  Guess I'm at that point where people feel comfortable rubbing your belly (to be honest, with such good friends, I did not mind one bit).  

These past few weeks have flown by, but I had a great time in St. Louis.  I was just the right amount of pregnant during this trip...big enough to show, but not so big I was uncomfortable!

Hugging the Arch

Boy it was cold in STL!

Reuniting with friends, old and new!

The baby is: Well, we had a big ultrasound on Tuesday and the baby was measuring just right.  They predict that the baby weighs 12 ounces and is about 6 inches (about the size of a coke can).  We were able to get some good shots of Bubby baby...I think he/she looks just like Jillian (of course, they all look alike in the ultrasound pics)!

Julian is: Glad I'm back, though he had a good time with our girl!  And now he's anxiously awaiting the gender reveal!

Jilly Bear and Daddy while Mommy was away!

Jillian is: bringing up the baby a lot on her own and she even calls the baby Bubby now too!  She says that mommy has a boy baby in her belly, but that she is having a little either way she's right (and a little wrong too).  Guess we'll have to fix that once we know the baby's gender!

Silly Jilly Monkey Girl while Mommy was away!

Crazy pregnancy moment of the week: Took a few risks in St. Louis, but Bubby baby is ok!  I had to have some beer with all the people drinking at the conference so I had 3 sips of beer while I was there (whoa, 3 WHOLE sips...and not even in the same night)!  And then we went to the City Museum in St. Louis, where they have a 10-story slide!  The thrill-seeker in me could not resist (and my boss convinced me I'd be ok).  So I climbed the 10 stories of stairs, decided that I was not going to walk back down the stairs, so I took the plunge!  10 stories later I was giggling like a school girl!  

A picture of the slide (that I did not take)

I am craving: Well, I bought a big box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at Sam's the other day (but really more as a reminder of my food cravings from having Jillian).  And I did make Julian go to buy me Ben & Jerry's ice cream the other day (such a good husband, he obliged)!  

Gender prediction: This is the last gender prediction I will do since we find out on Friday!  So I had been pretty set on this baby being a boy, but on the plane back from St. Louis, I woke up from a deep sleep and I had this overwhelming feeling that it is a girl!  It is the craziest thing that my heart has developed a deep set conviction that we are having a girl.  And the feeling has not let up since then so I am going to make my final prediction as a GIRL!

On the to do list: Open a box of balloons to find out the baby's gender at our party!!!  Who's excited?! This girl!

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