Saturday, March 9, 2013

17 weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks, 5 days

I look/feel: good, for the most part.  I have started to notice the little ache in my abdomen/hips if I sleep the wrong way or if I spend too much time on my feet.  All part and parcel of the experience of growing a life inside you!

The baby is: the size of a turnip...which to be honest, that doesn't help me much.  I can't remember the last time I saw and held a turnip so I'm gonna take their word for it.

Julian is: So glad to be done with the it's just a matter of finishing the application and submitting it.  After that, what happens is no longer in his hands, and I am sure he will be relieved.  I think I'll give him a few days before we get back to life as normal (AKA - I bug him again about taking out the trash, we have more intense life conversations about this baby, and I start spending all that money to get stuff for this kid).

Jillian is: saying that she has a baby in her belly too.  She'll lift up my shirt and see my baby belly and then she'll lift up her shirt and stick out her belly as far as she can.  It's super cute...until she tries to do this in public!

Crazy pregnancy moment of the week: Well, with Jillian playing pretend about having a baby in her belly, I couldn't help but think of the day (hopefully 25 years from now) when she actually does have a baby in her belly. Let's just say that I held her a little longer and shed a few lots of tears the other night as I was rocking her to sleep thinking of what a blessing and miracle it will be to see my daughter experience the joys of becoming a mommy!

I am craving: I have wanted a lot of things, but my nose is so stuffed up that I can't taste anything anyways...and not being able to taste my food makes me crabby.  No fun at all!

Gender prediction: Still feel like it's a boy.  More importantly than anything else, I don't know how I will be able to have the gender in an envelope and not look in to see it!  The suspense will kill me!

On the to-do list: Pack again to be out of town...sorry Jilly Bear and Juli Bear!  But on an exciting note, invitations to the Roll-Acosta Gender Reveal got sent out.  Less than 2 weeks till we find out Bubby's gender!  And knowing Katy and Cindy, this party is going to be amazing and so cute!  

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