Friday, August 31, 2012

30 Lessons I Hope to Teach My Daughter

Birthdays come and go every year.  We all have one, but for some reason, some birthdays seem to require an little something extra because they are a major milestone in life.  Turning 30 seems like one of those milestones to me.
I remember turning 21, the last big milestone I feel like I went through.  I was a senior in college and having the time of my life.  I was finally legal, though what I was legal to do may or may not have happened once or twice (or maybe more) before I was 21.  But I remember getting all dolled up and painting the town red.  Turning 21 was a lot of fun...
And I really remember turning 15.  In my culture and in my faith, it was a big deal to have a quinceanera, and boy did my mom make sure that I had one I would never forget!  I had a beautiful mass and an awesome reception where me and all my friends got to celebrate my transition from childhood to young womanhood.  I remember feeling like such a grown up!  Little did I know...
I can remember turning 10, knowing that I was no longer in single digits.  I had a big slumber party at my house with all my friends, riding bikes till sunset and staying up all night to watch Gremlins.  This was such a fun birthday celebration!
And though I can't remember it, I am sure turning 1 was a big deal, too.  I am sure I got lots of cards and lots of presents, but it was probably the most fun for my parents to have achieved that major milestone of surviving the first year.
I know that feeling all too was only 6 months ago that Julian and I were celebrating Jillian's first birthday.  
To be honest, that's what makes this birthday so special to me...Jillian is really the best gift I could have ever received, and having her with me on my 30th birthday will be that little something extra special that is the icing on my birthday cake.  Spending the day with my child and my amazing husband in the home we built, surrounded by the memories of the life we are creating...surely it doesn't get any better than this!
As I look back on the major birthday milestones of my life, I cannot help but think of all the birthday milestones we have yet to live with our daughter.  And I hope and pray that on her 30th birthday, she can look back fondly on the life she has lived thus far.  I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to help shape that life into the greatest story ever told...her story.  Along the way, I hope we teach her some amazing lessons about life.  Here are the 30 lessons I hope to teach my daughter before she turns 30...

1. Live a life worth telling your kids and grandkids about.
2. Learn as much as you can - from books, from mistakes, and from your family.
3. "When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you Dance!" - LeAnn Womack
4. Be kind to others, through your actions, words, and thoughts, and they will be kind to you.
5. Be the brains, and the beauty will follow.
6. Respect your body and respect yourself.
7. will learn more about yourself and the ways of the world when you go outside of your comfort zone.
8. Live and love with deep passion.
9. Love music and listen to lyrics...they can change your life.
10. "Do what you will, always; Walk where you like, your steps;  Do as you please, I'll back you up." - DMB
11. Be the kind of friend you want to have.
12. Your daddy will love you more than any man you will ever meet.
13. Never depend on anyone else to give you what you want. Work hard to get it yourself.
14. “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France
15. Plans are made to be broken.
16. Cherish and reflect on every single moment...and don't forget to take pictures!
17. Live for the day that someone calls you mommy.
18. Decide who you want to be and be confident in your decision.
19. I will love whoever you choose to love.
20. Life is an amazing journey with highs and lows...learn to live in the highs and hold on to those closest to you through the lows.
21. "Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for." - Marian Edelman
22. Promises are always worth keeping.
23. Happiness is a choice that I hope you choose to make.
24. Apologize when you should, and forgive but don't forget.
25. You will always remember your first...make it worth the memory.
26. Sometimes I will choose to be your mom, not your friend.
27. You will always be my little girl, because "(I) know every story, every wound, every memory. (Your) whole life's happiness is wrapped up in (me)." - Stepmom movie 
28. Mean what you say and say what you mean.
29. Don't ever forget where you came from and what it took to get you where you are now.
30. Your daddy and I will always love you and be there for you.  We will always be your home.

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