Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Silly Jilly: Crossing the Red Sea

Jillian is saying lots of silly things these days and as much as I tell myself I will remember it all, I won't.  So I am going to really try to capture some of the funniest/most creative/most significant things on the blog so I don't forget them...

The other day, Jillian and I were taking a bath together.  As she was playing in the corner playing:

Jillian: They are climbing up the wall.
Mommy: Who is "they?"
Jillian: God's people.
Mommy:  Oh, God's people are climbing up the wall.  Are they about to cross the Red Sea?
Jillian: Yes, God's people are crossing the Red Sea to get over there, see?  They are going to the mall.

And there you have it, folks...we thought God's people were crossing the Red Sea to escape the Egyptians, but no.  According to Silly Jilly,  it turns out they were intent on a much higher purpose...they were just trying to go shopping!

Reading the story of God's people crossing the Red Sea, clearly on their way to the mall =)

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