Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy 15 Months, Jillian!

Happy 15 months, Jilly Bear!  It has been 3 months since the last update, and so I thought I would update everyone on all the new fun things about little Miss Jillian!

Hi everybody! Long time no see!

Jillian is: a handful, y'all!!!  We have decided to start taking away her binky to where she only gets it at night after bath as she is getting ready for bed, and then we take it away at breakfast.  Sometimes, she gets it back at nap time, but other times, she has to make do with only her "wow wow." I can honestly say that we have seen more of "crabby patty," fit-throwing Jilly.  Just have to keep telling myself "This, too, shall pass!"

Jillian is also on the verge of walking.  She has taken a few steps here and there, but she is not completely walking yet.  I know any day now, she is going to gain and maintain the confidence to walk.  And then she'll be even more of a handful!!!

I'm getting so big!!!

Jillian does: lots of fun stuff.  They are doing a great job at her school teaching her fun songs that she likes to sing and dance to.  She also loves FaceTime with our family that lives far away.  She will go up to the iPad and push the button for FaceTime.  I ask her if she want to talk to cousin Lauren, and she says yes! 

I love reading books, especially my Abby book!

Jillian eats: mainly stuff with cheese, like quesadillas and mac n cheese.  She also really loves a good little (half) Mexican girl!  She is a little bit of a picky eater, but with parents like me and Julian, I am not surprised about this at all.

Clearly I don't sit still for pictures these days

Jillian says: lots of cute stuff.  She babbles often, but there are a few words she is great at: bow (which she says FIRST thing in the morning so that you put a bow in her hair) bye, hi, more (as in, give me more food), bubbles, no no no, wow wow (her stuffed animal Lady dog), and baby.  She has started saying the names of some of her friends at school (A-cus for Atticus, Rara for Clara, and a few others).  And one of her absolute favorite words right now is "Abby."  She just LOVES Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street...reading her Abby book, brushing her teeth with her Abby toothpaste, eating out of her Abby bowl, and watching videos of Abby on YouTube!
But my personal favorite thing is that in the past month, she has started saying mama and dada intentionally and often.  My heart seriously melted the first time she said "mama" after I had gotten home from work late one Monday night.  It made my long day completely worth it and I really paused to think about how I had waited my whole life for someone to call me that!!!  And much to Julian's delight, 3 days later she started saying "dada" too.  :)
Best.Words.Ever. Now if only she said mama and dada as often as she says Abby...

It's time to get down and play, Mama!

Jillian has: only 5 teeth, but there is one more coming in on the bottom.  I guess this is a good thing because we never get "incident report forms" saying Jilly bit someone...even though we get them often to say that she got bit by another kid :(

Yay yay yay

Jillian will: forever and always light up our lives.  She is honestly the best thing that ever happen to Julian and me.  It is absolutely amazing to watch her learn and grow.  We cherish every moment with her and eagerly anticipate what the next day holds in store as we love on our Jilly Bear!

Happy 15 months, Jillian!

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