Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Camp Acosta Reunion BBQ

Julian finished the back yard just in time for a BBQ with our favorite students.  Camp Acosta had a BBQ Reunion at our house last Sunday! 

I don't think I have ever blogged about Camp before, so here is a little bit of back story.  In 2010, I was blessed to become a Namesake for Fish Camp 2010.  Here is a little bit about Fish Camp:

Fish Camp welcomes the Freshman class to Texas A&M each year with the purpose of giving them an opportunity to have fun, make friends, and learn more about life at Texas A&M. Fish Camp is led by Texas A&M students who are passionate about making the first year of college a success for the freshmen! 
Fish Camp is divided into seven sessions and within each session there are six camps. Each camp is named after an individual that has contributed to Texas A&M in a positive way. Fish Camp receives several hundred nominations for potential Namesakes every year. Being selected as a Fish Camp Namesake is considered an honor because Namesakes have the opportunity to interact with and impact not only 24 counselors and 2 co-chairs, but also up to 150 freshmen in their camp.

So I am the proud Namesake of Fish Camp 2010 Session A Yellow Camp Acosta!  Being a namesake has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career (and personal life, too).  I was honored to have a group of 2 co-chairs and 24 counselors bear my name as they provided an introduction to the Aggie Family for freshmen in my camp!

Even now, 2 years later, Julian and I still keep in contact with this amazing group of students.  They were a part of our Acosta family and the first to bear our name, even before we had Jillian!  Now, we keep in contact by sending emails almost daily and by having reunions.
Rockin' our Acosta tanks

It's always a good time when we see these guys!  They are so full of energy, they have the best stories, and they remind me of the true value of being a part of the Aggie family.  I hope they each know how blessed we are by having them in our lives.  And I hope they know that some day, I hope our daughter grows up to be just like them all in some way!

The Acostas with our co-chairs, Courtney and Austin

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