Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One Year Ago Today...It's a GIRL!

Last year, on my 28th birthday, I received the best news as a birthday present.  One year ago today, we found out that we were having a GIRL!

 Julian and I both thought that we were going to have a boy and so when the sonogram technician told us it was a girl, we were floored!  The first thing we did was go to Target to buy our DAUGHTER her very first outfit, because clearly, that is the most important part...

And the next day at work, I hosted a big cupcake reveal.  I told all my friends, colleagues, and students to come by to eat a cupcake.  The color of the cake would reveal the baby's gender.  So I made strawberry cupcakes and had lots of visitors come by to share in our big news. 

How quickly time flies because less than 6 months later, there was a little person wearing the little girl outfit we bought...

And today, on my 29th birthday, we are reflecting back on how this little piece of information would change our lives forever.  Forever, Julian and I will have a DAUGHTER.  We will live a life with bows and dresses, pink and frills, dolls and diaries.  Our home will be filled with sweet girly giggles, princess outfits, and girl talk.  We will see her through her first day of school, her first puppy love, her big college dreams...and one day, Julian will walk our daughter down the aisle as she marries her Prince Charming.  One day, I will see my daughter live the greatest experience as she becomes a mother to her own children.  Maybe on that day, she will know and understand how precious she is to us and how much we love our little girl!
We LOVE you, Jillian Annalise! And on my birthday, I will always be reminded of how God gave us the greatest present of all...a DAUGHTER!

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