Friday, April 8, 2011

Healthy Baby Girl

Earlier this week, I took Jillian to go get her 2-month check-up at the doctor.  As every mommy knows, the 2-month mark is the first time they get a round of shots so I was dreading it.  But Jilly seemed to be in good spirits before we went, kicking and smiling as usual.  Julian had to work during this appointment, so it was just us girls.  I promised her that if she was a big, strong girl, I would be too, meaning I wouldn't cry. After all, I had to be strong since I was flying solo.

The doctor checked her eyes, ears, mouth, stomach, hands, feet...and everything checked out well.  They took her weight and her height and here's how she measures up:
Weight - 12 pounds, 11 ounces - 90th percentile
Height - 22 inches - 55th percentile
She has gained over 3 pounds since she was born and has grown 2 inches!  She is such a big, healthy baby!  But then it was time for her shots (cue the dooms day music)...

She fell asleep while we were waiting for the nurse to come in.  And then they gave her 3 shots and an oral vaccination.  And though she cried for about a minute, she quickly calmed down.  I put her in her car seat and we headed home.

Jillian held up her end of the bargain by being a big, strong girl, and I am proud to say that I did too!  I didn't cry at all.  When we got home, she slept for 3 hours.  Then, she woke up, ate, and cried for the next hour and half. =(  Poor baby!  But after a little Baby Tylenol and Tiger Balm, she calmed down and was back to her normal self.  All in all, I would say that Jilly did a great job with her first shots...let's hope she keeps this up when it's time for her 4-month shots!  Julian and I are so grateful to have a healthy, happy, big baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Gees, Amber u are way stronger then me! I cried more then she did !
