Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jillian Annalise Acosta...

Our hearts are a flutter, our lives are a whirl,
As we welcome our sweet baby girl!
So pretty and perfect with tiny feet,
Our baby girl makes our lives complete!

Jillian Annalise Acosta

made her grand entrance into the world at 10:38 AM on Thursday, February 3, 2011.  She weighed in at 9 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 20 inches. 

Guest blogger, Katy, here to fill you in on the arrival of this sweet baby! After a 48 hour stint of labor (yes, Amber should own every minute of that) Baby Jillian decided to make her debut! And believe me, that sweet little face was worth all of the wait! Mom had to send a few more text messages before baby girl arrived...

Amber was a champ and did an amazing job! She was calm and collected and patient and loving; everything a mommy should be. And Julian was strong and encouraging; everything a husband and daddy should be. He sweetly encouraged Amber when she needed it and made sure to hold her hand throughout the whole process.

And once Jillian arrived he quickly let Amber know how proud he was. They sealed that moment with a kiss and relished in becoming parents together. 

Jillian made sure to let us all know that she was doing great! Those sweet cries were music to everyone's ears...

She has a head full of hair which is perfect for all of those bows that her Mommy has purchased!

What a beautiful moment as this family of three got acquainted...

It was love at first site for everyone... 

Daddy's little girl is already has him wrapped around her finger... 

And she is most definitely already filling up their hearts!

Welcome to the world, Jillian! You are loved already by so many people and one lucky little girl to have the parents that you do! You are their heart and soul and they love you very much!!

 Happy Birth Day!

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