Thursday, November 1, 2012

Riding the Roll-Acosta

Hello!  I'm glad you're still Keeping Up with the Acostas!  I took a long hiatus from blogging in the month of October...3 weeks, which is FOR-EV-ER in the blogging world!

October was pretty stressful and busy as Julian and I have been busy riding this Roll-Acosta and it has taken us through some soul-searching turns and twists.  No one ever said that the ride was going to be completely smooth and without peaks and valleys.  But alas, November is upon us and at least for me, I'm on the downhill slide of the work and life craziness that has consumed me.

I won't go into too much detail about the causes for the bumps on the ride.  All I will say is that I thank God everyday for this man who has been by my side, holding my hand and telling me to keep going as the ride kept spinning faster and faster.   I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for having a partner by my side who has been willing to commit the time to strengthen our relationship, communicate through the process, and help me to understand the true value of our marriage.  Suffice it to say, I have always had faith that Julian and I can make it through anything, and this past month has proven that. And I would even venture to say that this past month has not involved any of the real tough stuff that life throws your way, just the smaller bumps that come along with a thorough soul-search.  It is with lots of faith in God and my husband, lots of love for our little love, Jillian, and lots of prayers that have seen us through this journey.

1 Corinthian 10:13 says: "...God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (NIV) 

Through it all, we have just tried living our normal lives, doing normal things.  I will try to recap all the fall fun we've been having but for now, I will leave you with this Silly Jilly story, who is very thankful to God for the things in her life too.

Jillian has been very vocal lately, and her nightly prayer time has been no different...

Mommy: (doing normal prayers) ....ask God to make us a better Mommy and Daddy everyday...
Jillian: (chiming in) ...everyday...
Mommy: Jillian, what do you want to thank God for everyday?
Jillian: frekfast
Mommy: You're thanking God for breakfast everyday?
Jillian: Yes, frekfast everyday!

Silly Jilly, your prayers are like music to my ears (and God's too, I'm sure)!

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