Saturday, March 31, 2012

How to Make a Sick Baby Happy

Jillian has an ear infection...AGAIN!  We almost made it the whole month of March without being sick, but alas, the ear infection has returned.  
When Jillian gets an ear infection, she gets really high fever and stops eating...which for our little foodie, is a big deal!  She gets a little cranky and really sleepy, too.
But, there are a few things that make a sick (crazy hair) Jilly Bear happy...

Like getting to play with all her binkies...

Or playing in the dishwasher...

And of course, a lot of TLC!

Feel better soon, Jilly Bear baby!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


With more and more daylight each day, it is fun to play outside, and we have found a new toy to occupy our time.  




We got Jillian a bubble machine yesterday, and I planned on using it today.  But then, it rained in the late afternoon and I rethought my plan.  In the end, I was too excited to see Jillian play with this, so we went outside and played anyway.  Jillian and her clothes can always be washed, right?!

"More bubbles, please"

It was a lot of fun! Although I am not sure who had more fun chasing bubbles, me or Jillian!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Silly Jilly: Kisses for God

Every night, I rock Jillian to sleep and we say her prayers.  I have done this everyday since she was born.  It's one of my absolute favorite moments of the day...a time to stop, hold my child close in my arms, and thank God for her, our greatest blessing of all!  Usually, Jillian is nodding off before I really get started on her prayers.  But for the past few weeks, she has waited until I actually put her in bed to fall asleep.  This also means that she is awake the whole time I am saying her prayers. 
As Catholics, we start our prayers by doing the sign of the cross..."In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of Holy Spirit, Amen."  When we say "Amen," we kiss our hand.  I do the Sign of the Cross first on her and then I do it myself.  Well, Silly Jilly thinks that we are blowing kisses during that part.  And Jilly LOVES to blow kisses.  So now, our prayers go a little like this:

Me: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit *kiss* Amen
Jilly: Muah (blows a kiss)
Me: Our Father, Who art in Heaven
Jilly: Muah (blows a kiss)
Me: Hallowed be Thy Name
Jilly: Muah (blows a kiss)
Me: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done...
Jilly: Muah (blows a kiss)

Silly Jilly, you make my heart happy as you Blow Kisses to God! :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jillian's 1 Year Photos

The weekend before Jillys first birthday, we took Jillian's 1 year photos with Sarah Giles.  We did a few shots that were Valentine's Day themed and then a lot of birthday shots.  As always, they turned out great!  Here are a few of my favorite shots of the day.

Here is one with my sweet, little Valentine!

And a great shot of us as a family!

Doesn't Jilly look so mischievous in this one?!

Jilly in her birthday dress with her birthday banner in the background

A close-up.  Her little face is so pretty!

Jilly's alphabet art in her room

In Mommy's favorite color

Look how long her hair was before she got a haircut  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jillian's Cake Smash

For Jillian's First Birthday, we had her do a cake smash.  I got her a custom cake from The Cake Box and it was perfect in size.  I have to admit, I thought she would dive right in because Jillian is a little foodie.  But, as it turns out, she did not dive right fact, she acted like she was afraid of it.  I guess the texture freaked her out and the sweetness of the icing was not enough to entice her to eat it up.  I had to stick puffs inside the cake for her to even dig in.  Oh well, it still made for great pictures!  And I got to enjoy the smashed barely touched cake later!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Silly Jilly: First Haircut

Guess who got their first haircut today?!?!?!  Though it may have been long overdue (pun intended), Silly Jilly and her crazy hair got a haircut today!  First, we started with a pep talk from mommy... (Please note how long her hair is in the back!)

"Now Jilly Bear, this is the first of many beautiful haircuts you will get in your life..."
 And then it was time to sit in the stylist's chair to get ready for the big moment...

...when the stylist would make the first cut! *Snip Snip*

Here is the first lock of hair that was cut off. Isn't it soooo long?!

Jillian did a great job, really only crying a little from stranger danger as she did not know her stylist.  But she really did love looking at herself in the mirror...

...and holding still for the stylist to get it just right and even on both sides.

Here is a shot of the back after we were all done.  It is so much more even and short in the back, with just a little trim on the sides.

Look at those big smiles on our faces and Jillian's first lock of hair to have as a keepsake.

And now we present Jillian after her first haircut (with a bow in her hair, of course)!!!

We decided to take Jillian for some celebratory yogurt a few doors down at the new Spoons in south College Station.  Jillian was really excited!

Happy First Haircut, Jilly Bear!  You look cuter than ever (and your daddy is pretty handsome too)!!! ;)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

9 Month Photos with Sarah

Back in November, our family took Jillian's 9 month photos and some shots for our holiday card.  Thanks to our amazing photographer, Sarah Giles, we got some pretty great shots.  Here are a few of my favorites!

Daddy Loves his little girl!

Happy baby Jilly

Our own lil' present

Jilly's room decor

Our baby turkey

Friday, March 2, 2012

Terrible blogger =(

I will admit...I have done a terrible job at blogging over the past couple months.  There are any of a million reasons why this happened, like not having internet at our house (long story, makes us angry, so don't ask).  And I feel like the entire month of February slipped away with 5 visits to the doctor, lots of prescription and over-the-counter medicine, and a lot of sleeping the day away with various illnesses.  And, well, there's only so much blogging you can do should do at work.
All that to say, I have thus far failed at my new year's resolution to blog at least 6 times a month. Amber/Mommy Fail.
But, now that everyone is on the mend, and now that I have a renewed passion for blogging, I intend to do just that...I just hope that our faithful readers will still visit the blog...
So for those of you still with us, thanks for sticking with us through this Roll-Acosta!