Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 11 Months, Jillian!

Oh My Gosh!  Only one more month until our precious girl is 1!!!

Today marks Jillian's 11 months on this earth.  And what a fun month this last one has been!  A lot of firsts happened this month, including Jilly's first Christmas and ringing in a new year.  She got loved on a lot as we celebrated the holidays with family and friends!

Wait, does that say 11 months?!

So what has Jilly been up to this month?  Well, she cut her first tooth finally, and just in time for Christmas.  Photos of the tooth have not turned out so well so far and so for now, you get this photo of our cutie instead.

At Jillian's school, we got a letter stating that she would be transitioning to the 1-year old class soon, and it came with a list of things she has to be ready to do.  One of those things is eating table food and taking virtually no bottles.  So we have slowly been transitioning Jillian to eating more table food and less baby food.  But she LOVES food!  I swear, this girl is a bottomless pit who's going to eat us out of house and home!

And I know I mentioned last month that we thought Jilly said her first word, but it's official.  Her first word was "Bye" which she says pretty consistently now, complete with a wave (and sometimes, she'll even blow you a kiss).  Now that she knows how to say bye, she says it all the time.

This little girl is not really in any hurry, much like her daddy.  She is a great crawler, but she never really crawls fast.  And she is great at pulling herself up to a standing position and she seems to be putting more weight on her legs.  She will toddle around and "walk" if you hold her hands, but she does not seem to be in any hurry to learn how to walk on her own.  Which is fine by us, because we know that walking creates a whole new world of babyproofing and worry! 

Our baby girl is becoming a big girl right before our eyes. Jillian is becoming more and more like a little toddler but every once in a while, we get glimpses of a baby still too.  We can't believe it has been 11 months since our baby came into this world and what a trip it will be when Jillian turns 1!!!

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