Monday, December 12, 2011

Silly Jilly: Crazy Hair!

Since the day Jillian was born, she has had a head full of hair.  In fact, it's the thing that people comment on the most (other than how cute she is, of course).  I often have family and friends, and even strangers at the store, stop to comment on how much hair she has and how they (or their child) did not have that much hair until they were ___ months/years old.

I have had a lot of fun with Jillian's flowing locks.  Not too many babies can wear their hair in a full ponytail or even pig tails until they are much older.  But since Jilly's hair is so long, she was able to do both of these things by the time she was 8 months old.

Often times, I can tame the hair and stick a bow in it so it looks cute.

But other times, mainly when Jillian wakes up in the morning, she looks more like...

A daredevil who went through a wind tunnel...or like Johnny Bravo, the cartoon character!

Or like a baby lion (complete with a little roar)

Or like a Who from Whoville...

And best of all, sometimes she looks like she belongs in an '80s hair band (complete with a mullet)!

Oh Silly Jilly and your crazy hair...never a dull day with hair like yours! =)

P.S. Please know that I did not play with her hair to make it look funny in any of these pictures.  This was ALL NATURAL.  You can't make this stuff up, people! =)