Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy 8 Months, Jillian!

Another month gone by and our little Jillian is 8 months old already!  Jillian reached a lot of milestones this past month and she is definitely a handful these days, but still cute as a button!

Here are all the cute little things Jilly started doing this month:
  • Crawling
  • Clapping
  • Open-mouth baby kisses
  • Dancing (on purpose)
  • Eating baby puffs (using a pincer grasp)

Her biggest milestone was obviously the crawling.  She started rocking on all fours early in the month and within a few weeks she was inchworm crawling, then army man crawling, and now regular crawling.  She does any of the 3 to get to where she wants to go.  And she is getting quick! 
    Crawling has brought on a whole new level of cleaning attention needed.  You see, anything that is on the floor, she will crawl to.  Whether it's Daddy's shoes, a leaf that fell off our indoor tree, even that piece of lint you didn't even notice...she immediately crawls to it, picks it up, and puts it in her mouth!
    Jilly is still a really happy baby and she has found a new way to show it by clapping her hands.  She claps for a lot of things, like her food, seeing mommy or daddy first thing in the morning, herself, the Cowboys or the Yankees...basically anytime we say "Yay" she will clap.  It is so adorable!
    And truly nothing compares to the first time your baby gives you kisses!  She has started open-mounth kissing, doling out kisses to daddy, mommy, and even her friend Jackson.  Her daddy was not too happy about that one and he had a stern talk with Jilly to tell her that she can't kiss boys...only Daddy!
    The other precious thing Jilly has started doing is dancing.  We noticed it one day when she started wiggling to a J. Lo song on a commercial. And then her teachers at school mentioned that when they sing or play songs, she dances.  She won't do it all the time, but randomly, she will bust out a move or two!
    Jillian is also more expressive with her different faces.  She has a face for happy, pensive, surprised, or inquisitive.  She has a face to show that she loves her food or hates it (and usually, she loves it), when her allergies are bothering her, when she is in a new situation and unsure how to react, or when she has decided that she does not like something.  Here is one of her many expressions...
    "Mommy, why are you still taking my picture?!"
     I am sure she has grown in height and weight as she is still a little chunky monkey.  But I don't have her exact measurements.  Jilly wears size 3 diapers, fits into most of her 6 months clothes still, and has started some of her 9 month clothes (as the weather permits). 
    Love you forever, Jilly Bear!

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