Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life as a House: If These Walls Could Talk...

It's been a while since I provided an update on our house.  A lot of progress has been made, including the windows being installed, all the electrical work is done, and plumbing going in.  But the biggest change of all is that the inside walls have been put up! 
Putting in the windows

And Here are the Walls

I had the idea to go in and write saying on all the walls of our house.  "If these walls could talk..." they would tell you our wishes for our new home. 

In the entryway, "Bless this home and all who enter"

In the front room, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15"

In the kitchen "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry"

In the Dining Room, "Come Gather at our Table"

In the Master bedroom, "All because 2 people fell in love"

In our little girl's doorwaay, "Good morning, Beautiful!"

And over her crib, "Every good and perfect gift is from above. -James 1:17"

And in the guest bedroom, "May our home be warm and our friends be many"

I know that the sayings and scripture will get painted over, but we will remember the words that are written there.  This was just another little touch to make this home more our own. After all, "A house is made of walls and beams.  A home is built of love and dreams."

From the wall in our living room, where the fireplace is...

Also, they have finished putting the stone and brick in place so the outside of our house is coming along great.  It is so beautiful, exactly as we hoped it would look!

The Front of our House

Almost ready for us to move in!
Next up, they will be painting the walls and putting in the cabinets!  We hope to be in the house in about a month.  For now, we start packing (the not so fun part of moving)!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Amber & Julian! The house is beautiful! I love the writing on the walls and I may steel the idea! Miss you guys, but glad ya'll are doing well!
