Monday, January 24, 2011

New Year, New Blog!

You remember the first time you rode a roller coaster, right?!  For me, it was the El Bandido at Western Playland in El Paso.  For Julian, it was the Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens in Virginia.

You were probably about 5-10 years old, and there were any of a million reasons that you decided to ride. Maybe it was peer pressure (or sibling pressure, which is far worse)...maybe it was proving your independence...or maybe it was for the sheer curiosity or thrill of it all.  Either way, you anxiously stood in line and waited your turn, unsure of what to expect.  Would you be tall enough?  Would you put your hands up?  Would you puke your guts out when you got off?  Would you love it and want to get on over and over again? 
With all your fears and all your anxieties, alas, it was your turn.  Oh my gosh!  Why are they strapping me in?  Why are they laughing?  Why are the telling me to sit back and enjoy the ride?  Why won't they let me off?!
But as the ride started and you could feel yourself moving, you knew you were in store for the ride of a lifetime.  You were not sure of what waited for you around every turn.  You knew that, logically, what went up must come down, but you weren't sure if you'd survive the plunge.  At times, you wanted to keep your eyes wide open, never blinking in case you missed something.  And at other moments, maybe, just maybe, if you closed your eyes, it would all go away.  You knew the ride would come to an end, either with a sudden jerk or a smooth coasting in. 
And then it was time to get off.  With wobbly knees, or a sinking stomach, or a new-found courage, or a yearning for more...
And that, folks, is LIFE as we know it.  It's like a roller coaster ride, when each new day brings you to some new adventure, some new ride to explore.  Or the day brings an old, familiar course, that one you know all the twists and turns in store.  Sometimes, it's like riding the highest highs and sometimes, it can feel like you've hit the lowest lows.  That's the Roll-Acosta Life!
Julian and I contemplated starting a blog last year, but we decided that with the new year and a new baby on the way, we would actually get it started.  It is mainly so that we can keep our family and friends, both near and far, informed on what's happening in the life of the Acostas.  We intend for this to include updates on our precious baby girl (who is currently taking her pretty time entering the world), random thoughts on life as we see it, and all the other ups and downs, twists and turns, that make this all such a joyous ride.  So, we hope you fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride!
This is A Roll-Acosta Life!

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