Monday, December 10, 2012

Silly Jilly: My Little Empathetic Girl

This girl...I swear!  She is just like her mama in so many ways...

Jillian may be a little very empathetic.  There are many a times when Jillian will tear up just because other kids are crying.  Take this time for example...there is a new show on Disney called "Sophia the First: Once Upon a Princess."  In the story, an ordinary girl becomes a princess when her mom falls in love with the king (Don't you just hate when that happens?!)

This ordinary girl, Sophia, sings a song about not being ready to be a princess.  And throughout the whole song and dance, she is not happy (it's Disney, trust me, she isn't that sad nor does she cry).

But Jillian gets so sad because she sees Sophia looking sad. 

Jillian: "Mommy, Sophia sad?"
::cue the tears and empathy face::

B.R.E.A.K. M.Y. H.E.A.R.T.

Seriously!  Her sad face is the cutest little face I have ever seen!  For as long as I live, I vow to always remember this little look on her face.

The first time we saw this, I had to turn Sophia off because Jillian was just beside herself.  She cried for a few minutes and I consoled her as best I could.  And we've seen Sophia once twice a million times since and she still gets a little weepy on this part.  

Jillian has proven time and time again to be a very empathetic little human being.  She is just amazing at reciprocating emotion as she is so unbelievably empathetic.  Her teachers tell me all the time that she is the "peacekeeper" at school.  If one of her classmates takes a toy from another classmate, Jillian will go give them her toy just to help them stop crying!

Truth be told, I have known since Jillian was in the womb that she would be an empathetic person.  I remember a time when I was 6 months pregnant that something scary happened on campus and I was freaking out.  I tried to be calm on the outside but I was scared on the inside, and Jillian knew it.  I felt her twirling and flipping and freaking out right along side me (or inside me).  It was at that moment that I knew I had to be strong for my little girl and I tried really hard to calm myself on the inside.  Soon thereafter, Jillian stopped moving around and seemed to calm down, too.

If I only knew then how many times I would comfort this child by wiping away her tears and helping her feel that everything is going to be ok.  Her empathy is endearing and I will forever LOVE this about my Silly Jilly!

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