Thursday, April 10, 2014

Adorable Alex: First Baby Tooth!

As I was feeding Alex the other day, I thought I saw something different in his mouth...

So I took a closer look...

And there it was...Alex's first baby tooth is coming in!  He turned 8 months on Saturday and I wrote that I thought he might be teething.  But of course, with Jillian, I thought that a million times and she did not get a tooth until she was close to 11 months old.  So while I thought he might be teething, I also thought it would be a few months till it actually came in.  

But, lo and behold, he got his first tooth in at the age of 8 months and 1 day!  He has been a little fussy, but along with teething, he also has a double ear infection and pink eye.  If I had all that going on, I would be fussy too!  

At least he's still adorable as ever!


  1. Alex seems to have grown his first baby tooth early, but he looks absolutely adorable. He's growing up pretty quick, isn't he? I bet you're really excited. I know I would be if my baby started growing his baby tooth that early. By the way, I hope he gets better soon. You must be really down at the moment, seeing how he has a double ear infection and pink eye, but I'm sure everything will be okay soon. That must be the reason why he's been fussing. Anyway, good luck and take care. Thank you for that post. :)

    Cody Zieba @ Reed Orthodonics

  2. Wow! I'm surprised at how early Alex's first baby tooth came in. I'm at least glad that it settled in nicely. Just make sure to get his teeth checked regularly. That's one way to prevent any oral problems as early as possible. Thanks for sharing that, Amber! All the best! :)

    Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental SC
